Arms extended VS Arms tucked 🤔

The difference between arms extended and arms tucked during a sled push lies in muscle engagement, body position, and movement mechanics. Here’s a breakdown:

Arms extended
👉 Body Mechanics: Creates a more horizontal position with the torso leaning forward, almost parallel to the ground.

👉 Lever Length: A longer lever makes it harder to control the sled, especially with heavier weights.

👉 Muscle Engagement: Focuses on lower body muscles (quads, glutes, hamstrings) with greater core engagement for stability. Upper body is less involved.

👉Stride Length: Allows for longer strides.

Arms bent
👉 Body Mechanics: Results in a more upright torso with the sled closer to your center of gravity.

👉 Closer Center of Gravity: Easier to control and stabilize.

👉 Muscle Engagement: Shifts more to the upper body (shoulders, chest, lats, triceps), though the lower body and core remain active.

👉 Stride Length: Shorter strides.

Which should you do? Which one is better?

Neither is necessarily better overall; it’s about what you want to prioritize—leg power or full-body engagement.

Most people will prefer one based on comfort, but mixing both styles can add variety to your training.


17 ก.ย. 67 - 17:22:57
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