We are more than just a yoga studio 🧘🏻‍♀️ We offer Yoga, SoundBath, Mat Pilates, Calisthenics, Primal Movement, Room Rentals and Private session to nourish your mind and body. Enjoy our high-quality products, specialty teas, a cozy waiting area, and well-designed locker, shower room and fitting rooms.

📲 limberstudiothailand@gmail.com
💚 LINE Official: @limberstudio
☎️ +6684-349-9066

#LimberStudio #Yoga #Pilates #Calisthenics #PrimalMovement #SoundBath #WellnessSpace

20 ก.พ. 68 - 07:58:58
268 คน
3 ข้อความ