ซาบีน่า - อจิรภา ไมซิงเกอร์
ซาบีน่า - อจิรภา ไมซิงเกอร์
ซาบีน่า - อจิรภา ไมซิงเกอร์
ซาบีน่า - อจิรภา ไมซิงเกอร์

I had the incredible opportunity to meet @steven at the @dragonfly360.co , and it still feels so unreal! Not only did I get to hear him speak, but I also had a chance to talk with him briefly, and it was everything I imagined and more. He’s exactly like what I’ve seen on his YouTube channel #TheDiaryOfACEO the way he speaks, his thoughtful advice, and the focus he brings to every conversation. I’m absolutely mesmerized and deeply impressed.

I have so much love and respect for everything he’s accomplished, and I’m truly grateful for the time he shared with me. His words have left me feeling refreshed and fired up for my first business venture! 🙏🏻 Thank you for your advice and your time, Steven. I hope our paths cross again soon! 😊

Big Thank you to p @pam_phorn @cindysirinya @woodytalk for this opportunity 🙏🏻 I’m so grateful. Looking forward to next year naka! 🥰

24 ต.ค. 67 - 11:37:11
3 คน
36 ข้อความ