Visiting the devastated and flooded villages of Wiang Pa Pao, we arrived with survival bags and hearts full of compassion. With so many areas impacted, help doesn’t always reach everyone. That’s why we make it our mission to seek out those still in need, delivering essential supplies and offering hope to those who, in some cases, have lost everything. The animals not forgotten, of course ❤️
We’re asking for your support in donating 390 THB per family to fund these survival bags. Donations can be made via the Bangkok Community Help Foundation’s bank account:
Bangkok Community Help Foundation (มูลนิธิ แบงค็อก คอมมูนิตี้ เฮลป์) Bangkok Bank/ธนาคารกรุงเทพ: 105-5-06287-9
For those wishing to donate by credit card or from abroad, please click here: https://www.weeboon.com/en/campaign/-342590
#bangkokcommunityhelp #น้ำท่วม