Here 👇🏼

A simple change to your warm-up that can make a big difference in the ring. Loop bands - yes those little bands you find lying around the gym that most of the ladies use to build their booty.

Though we’re only focusing on monster walks (side-to-side and forward/back) plus seated band abductions.

These are not just something used for warmup, it’s about waking up your body’s power center - your posterior chain - to help you strike harder and move better.

Here’s how:

Stronger backside muscles:
Your backside (think glutes, hamstrings, lower back) is key for powerful moves in fighting. Using loop bands targets these muscles, making them stronger and more ready to fire when you need them.

More muscles working:
When you use loop bands, you’re not just moving; you’re fighting against the band’s pull. This lights up more muscles, including your core and legs, building a solid base for powerful attacks.

Get ready to spar:
These band exercises are perfect for getting your muscles alert and ready before sparring. They wake up your muscles, so you start your training sharp and with a lower chance of getting hurt.

Hit harder:
With your backside muscles ready to go, you’ll notice your punches and kicks feel stronger. That’s because you’re using your whole body more effectively, pushing off the ground with more force.

Adding loop bands to your routine is really a smart way to unlock more potential.

My go to routine for you (as seen in video):

2 x 10-20 steps monster walk forward / back
2 x 10-20 steps lateral monster walk left / right
2 x 20-30 seated band abductions


#performance #muaythai #strengthandconditioning #fitness #coach

21 ก.พ. 67 - 09:03:43
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