Useful breathwork I wanna share with everyone.
5.5 breaths per minute (5,5 BPM)
😤 Inhale slowly through your nose for 5.5 seconds, focusing on the subtle movements of expansion and deflation around your diaphragm.
😮💨 Exhale slowly through your mouth for 5.5 seconds, paying particular attention to the lateral movement of your lower ribs.
This technique will help;
✅ lower your heart rate/ blood pressure
✅ More oxygen to your brain, help to focus
✅ Reduce stress and anxiety
✅ Improve overall health and body functions
Try it and see the differences.
#sworks #tarmacsl8
#zephyrcc #cspd
🎥 @sitthichaigolf @seplay
7 ต.ค. 67 - 09:20:10
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