Another wonderful city run! This morning, we made a stop at @cityboycoffeestand . When they saw our post, they replied that they would give free milk to our runners.
We really appreciate the support from the local business. It made our day.
It was a bit funny to realize we haven't had free milk since we were children.
Thank you all for joining our City Run. Thanks @cityboycoffeestand
#cityrun #bangkok #thailand #coffee #running #runclub #run #sweatchallenge #sweatrunners
19 ก.ค. 67 - 11:36:04
502 คน
12 ข้อความ
ภาพอื่นๆ ของ
ฟรอยด์ - ณัฏฐพงษ์ ชาติพงศ์