โอซา แวง
โอซา แวง
โอซา แวง

Today was the last day of Mammas Radiation. 28 days straight of radiation, a few more rounds of chemo left and we are almost there. It has been a tough few months. Anyone that has cancer or has had a loved one go through it will know it’s one of the hardest things in life to experience. Nothing can fully prepare you. The smiling faces of all the doctors, nurses and cancer counselors that you see everyday at the hospital, words of encouragement they speak means everything. @ncis.nuhs @nuhsofficial thank you for taking care of my Mamma. Thank you for smiling at her , joking with her and most of all making us feel like she’s in the best hands. We could not have done any of this without any of you. Not only have you been encouraging to my Mamma but also to my dad and myself. Forever grateful to you all ❤️❤️❤️Thank you , Thank you and Thank you. You are our true heroes!! And on another note, I would also like to add FUCK CANCER! #cancer #singapore

24 มิ.ย. 67 - 16:13:21
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91 ข้อความ

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