已經五次搭檔的泰國超人氣CP JaFirst終於要來澳門和大家見面啦! 🥳
🕰|演出日期: 2024年1月6日(星期六)
🎫|門票售價:港幣HKD / 澳門幣MOP $1888/$1488/$1088/$588
廣星傳訊 - http://www.macauticket.com/
大麥 - https://www.damai.cn
- 詳情請留意主辦方公告.
- 主辦方保留活動異動之權利.
- 福利中獎名單將於活動前一天公佈.
Super popular couple from Thailand who cooperate five times is coming to Macau!
They have closet birthdates, the greatest chemistry with each other, and…Let’s see what amazing interactions they may show us ♥
Looking forward to seeing you on January 6th at H853 Entertainment Place,
Lisboeta Macau ✨
🕰|Show Date:6th January 2024(Sat)
🕓|Show Time:8PM
📍|Show Venue : H853 Entertainment Place, Lisboeta Macau
🎫|Ticket Price:HKD / MOP $1,888 / $1,488 / $1088/$588
🪧|Organizer:WanXing Entertainment
🔗|Ticket Link:
Macau Ticketing - http://www.macauticket.com/
Damai - https://www.damai.cn
📢|Public Sale!
Time:From 12:00 PM., 13th Dec 2023 (Wed.) sales on Macau ticketing and Damai.
- Please refer to WanXing Entertainment for further notice and information.
- The organizer reserves the right to change the event.
- Benefit Winners List will be announced the day before the event.