เนเน่ - พรนับพัน พรเพ็ญพิพัฒน์


你好,香港!泰國籍音樂新勢力女歌手 @nenevader ,以限定女子偶像組合「硬糖少女303」闖出名堂!隨後佢展開SOLO歌手之路,打歌成績亦相當唔錯,除咗《兔子獵手》之外,《All About That Day》MV點擊次數仲大破2000萬。今次仲係Nene第一次嚟到香港演出,相信一定會帶到驚喜畀各位樂迷!

巨星狂歡壓軸 Day 3️⃣
地點:安盛 x 竹翠公園
🎙票價:HK$1,988 / $1,688
(全場企位, 港幣、人民幣同價)


Thai Rising Star Nene’s First Performance in Hong Kong!

Hello Hong Kong! Thai rising star Nene, made a name for herself as a member of the limited girl group “BonBon Girl 303”! She then embarked on a solo career, achieving impressive chart success and her music video for “All About That Day” has surpassed 20 million views. This time, Nene is coming to Hong Kong for her first performance, and we believe it will be a delightful surprise to her fans!

《Harley-Davidson 120 Hong Kong Music Festival》
Day 3: Super Party x WeSee Award
Date: December 3, 2023 (Sunday)
Time: 6PM to 10:30PM
Location: AXA x Wonderland
Ticket Price: HK$1,988 / $1,688 (All standing, same prices in HKD & RMB)
📌 Public sales: November 21, 2023 | 10 AM

#HarleyDavidson120HKMF #HarleyDavidson120 #哈雷戴維森120 #哈雷戴維森香港音樂節

18 พ.ย. 66 - 14:25:16
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