《The Best Day with YINWAR in Macau》
泰國人氣CP組合YINWAR終於來襲澳門了~ 首次係澳門同各位粉絲們見面互動~ 今次小編仲幫各位爭取到最多!最豐富!最sweet!嘅福利️
記得留意4月19 日公開發售呀!
🏳️The Best Day With YINWAR 澳門站 詳情
🕰️演出日期及時間:2023年5月21日(SUN) 7PM
📍演出地點:「澳門百老匯」 - 百老匯舞台
門票:港幣HKD/澳門幣MOP $1,688 / $1,288 / $888
時間:4月19日(三) 中午12時起
「澳門百老匯」- https://www.broadwaymacau.com.mo/
- 詳情請留意主辦方公告.
- 主辦方保留活動異動之權利.
《The Best Day with YINWAR in Macau》
YINWAR, the popular Thai CP group, is finally coming to Macau - meeting all of you for the first time in Macau! And give the The most! The best! The sweetest benefits ️
If you are YINWAR fans , don't want to miss it!!
Don't forget to look out for the public sale on 19th April!
🏳️The Best Day With YINWAR in Macau:
🕰️Date and Time: 21st May 2023 (SUN) 7PM
📍Venue: Broadway Macau – Broadway Theatre
Tickets: HKD / MOP: $1,688 / $1,288 / $888
Public Sale!
Time: From 12:00 p.m., 19th April 2023 (WED)
「Broadway Macau」 - https://www.broadwaymacau.com.mo/
- Please refer to WanXing Entertainment for further notice and information.
- The organizer reserves the right to change the event.